

Four Horsemen 天啟四騎士 :

FOUR HORSEMEN is an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.「天啟四騎士」是一部得獎的獨立紀錄片,讓人們睜眼看清世界的真實運作情形。As we will never return to 'business as usual' 23 international thinkers, government advisors and Wall Street money-men break their silence and explain how to establish a moral and just society.我們將永遠拒絕回歸到「一如往常」的作法,而23位國際性的思想家、政府顧問與曾在華-爾街工作過的人士,打破沉默並解釋如何建立一個有道德與公義的社會。FOUR HORSEMEN is free from mainstream media propaganda -- the film doesn't bash bankers, criticise politicians or get involved in conspiracy theories. It ignites the debate about how to usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.「天啟四騎士」打破主流媒體的洗腦灌輸--此影片並不是要攻擊銀行家或批評政客,或參-與陰謀論,而是試著激起關於如何在世上開闢一個新經濟模式的辯論,並大大地改善數十億-人的生活品質。"It's Inside Job with bells on, and a frequently compelling thesis thanks to Ashcroft's crack team of talking heads -- economists, whistleblowers and Noam Chomsky, all talking with candour and clarity." - Total Film「這部影片正是人們急迫需要的黑幕揭露,幸好有導演Ashcroft的破解團隊不斷在-螢幕的頭部特寫下,讓經濟學家、弊端揭發者與諾姆·杭士基提出令人震懾的論點,直言不-諱、條理清晰。」-Total Film"Four Horsemen is a breathtakingly composed jeremiad against the folly of Neo-classical economics and the threats it represents to all we should hold dear."- Harold Crooks, The Corporation (Co-Director) Surviving Progress (Co-Director/Co-Writer)「天啟四騎士是一部令人屏息的悲劇,其所對抗的敵人是新古典經濟學,而其所帶來的威脅-,我們所有人都應注意。」-Harold Crooks,紀錄片「The Corporation」共同導演,、紀錄片「Surviving Progress」共同導演與編劇。

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